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साल की शुरुआत ही हुई सुनामी के साथ तो साल कैसा होगा | Tsunami News | Headlines at 6PM | Latest News

01 January, 2024

  • 13 Views 1 Likes

साल की शुरुआत ही हुई सुनामी के साथ तो साल कैसा होगा | Tsunami News | Headlines at 6PM | Latest News | हिंदी समाचार | ताज़ा खबर | #japan #earthquakeinjapan #japanearthquake #tsunami 1. On the first day of the New Year, a massive earthquake of 7.4 magnitude struck Japan. High speed trains stopped. Tsunami arose after the earthquake, hit Wajima Port of Ishiwaka province. Alert of 16 feet high tsunami has been made. #imrankhan #pakistanpm #pakistanelection 2. Jailed former Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan is out of the February 8 elections. Election Commission rejected the nomination papers, said – the moral character of the leader trapped in the gift case is not good. #israeli #americannavy 3. America's major action in the Red Sea against Houthi rebels targeting Israeli ships. American Navy destroyed 3 boats of Houthi rebels. American helicopters completed the operation in just 34 minutes. #hamas #israelhamaswar #israelhamaswarnews #palestine 4. Hamas set a condition of one month ceasefire in exchange for the release of Israeli hostages. Thousands of Palestinians and 172 Israeli soldiers have been killed in the war. #messi #football #argentina 5. Football player Messi's number 10 jersey will become immortal. It will be retired. Argentina will give this honor to the world champion captain. Before Messi, Maradona used to wear the number 10 jersey.

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