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China ने दी है भारत को एक नई धमकी, क्या होगा अंजाम | Headlines at 5 PM | Latest News | ताज़ा खबर |

29 December, 2023

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China ने दी है भारत को एक नई धमकी, क्या होगा अंजाम | Headlines at 5 PM | Latest News | ताज़ा खबर | #nitishkumar #lalansingh #jdu #janatadalunited 1. Nitish Kumar was elected President of JDU. The decision was taken in the National Executive meeting. Lalan himself, left the post and proposed the name of Nitish. #fogindelhi #weatherupdate #weatherupdatetoday 2. Red alert issued, because of fog in 5 states including Delhi. 271 flights are late. The maximum temperature of 7 cities of UP was lower than Mussoorie. #coronanewvariant #coronanewcases #coronaupdate 3. Number of new Corona cases in the country nears 800. And 5 deaths were registered. So many cases after 7 months. The active corona cases cross 4 thousand and total cases of new variant JN.1 records 145. #pakistannews #anwarulhaqkakar #hamas #hamasvsisrael 4. Ban on New Year celebrations in Pakistan. Caretaker Prime Minister Anwar ul Haq Kakar announced - This decision is in support of Palestinians. 9 thousand children have been killed there, we will help them. #chinanews #china #chinaterritory #southchinasea #indiannavy #china 5. China enraged by the naval maneuvers of India and Philippines in the South China Sea, said interference in our territory is unnecessary. Philippines was also accused of intruding into Chinese territory.

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