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Exposed: जागो मोहन प्यारे and the Deep Divide in Congress | Rahul Gandhi | India Alliance | BJP

07 February, 2024

  • 25 Views 3 Likes

India Alliance is on the verge of breaking up, with allies in Punjab and Bengal making claims to contest elections separately. Amidst this, Congress leader Acharya Pramod Krishnam has stirred up discussions with another statement. He stated that there is no such thing as the India Alliance, as it was always plagued with problems from the start, and Nitish Kumar put an end to it in Patna. Acharya's rebellious attitude towards Congress indicated a possible shift towards BJP. It's worth noting that he recently met Prime Minister Narendra Modi and has been invited to an event. This suggests that another Congress leader might be inclined toward the BJP. Acharya also commented on the recent court verdict on the Gyanvapi case, stating that any decision by the court should be respected. The local court had permitted ritualistic worship in the Gyanvapi mosque, which had raised concerns from several political parties. #IndiaAlliance #Congressleader #acharyapramodkrishnam #NitishKumar #Congress #BJP #PrimeMinisterNarendraModi #Acharya #PoliticalParties #pramod #gyanvapi #gyanvapimasjid #revolt #congressleader #pmmodi #revoltincongress #rahul #breakingnews #newsconnect

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