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Top News today | Headlines at 3 PM today | 1 December 2023 headlines | ताज़ा खबर |

01 December, 2023

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Top News today | Headlines at 3 PM today | 1 December 2023 headlines | ताज़ा खबर | देश के मुख्य समाचार #uttarakhandnews #tunnel #yogiadityanath #uttarpradesh 1. The laborers living in tunnel of Uttarakhand for 17 days have told their recorded stories. Saba Ahmed, 34, said that neither the mobile nor the walkie talkie was working in the network. Meanwhile, 8 workers hailing from Uttar Pradesh will meet Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on 1st December. #lpgcylinderprice #lpg #lpgcylinderpricetoday 2. The price of commercial LPG cylinders have increased again. Earlier on November 1 also, its price was reported to have increased by Rs 100, however, on November 16, the price also decreased by Rs 57. There has been no change in the price of LPG cooking gas. #vishakapatnam #visakhapatnam #visakhapatnamnews 3. Traders suffered huge losses in Jalari Peta, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, as traders' boxes were burnt in the massive fire that broke out in that area. The cause of the fire has not been known yet and no one was injured in the incident. #punjabnationalbank #breakingnews #robberynews 4) A robber looted at the Ukhrul Ashram of Punjab National Bank. Unidentified armed dacoits committed robbery and made away with Rs 18.85 crore. It is reported that 8 to 10 masked men entered the bank and took the bank people hostage. #orissa #sandartist #sudarshanpattnaik #sandartartists #sandartistindia #worldaidsday 5.Orissa's sand artist Sudarshan Patnaik has created his new master piece art. On the occasion of World AIDS Day, he has made tops on writers. He has made the symbol of AIDS on the right side and has filled it in pink color - it is written along with it, keep the promise. This time Sudarshan has also used sanded plate in his sand art.

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