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Drama in Parliament: Modi Declares Nehru and Congress as 'Anti-Reservation' | BJP | Nehru Letter

08 February, 2024

  • 1017 Views 22 Likes

This video provides a compelling narration of the current difficulties faced by the Congress Party in Parliament, all centred around a historical document. In his latest speech, PM Modi presented a startling revelation from the past. Delving into the archives, Narendra Modi unearthed a letter from former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. During an intense session, Narendra Modi read excerpts from the decades-old correspondence, suggesting that Nehru had been anti-reservation and had opposed the implementation of reservation in employment. By highlighting these arguments, PM Modi drew a direct line from the past to the present, arguing that the Congress Party's current stance reflects that same Nehruvian mentality. Hence, his declaration that "Congress is born anti-reservation" speaks directly to the ongoing debate about reservation policies.

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